The different odors that accompany the person all life. Male or female, that has its own unique flavor. Some of it is elusive and not felt, and some people who stand out from the crowd because of their smell. Scientists have found that not only the color of the skin, eyes and hair distinguishes people from others. In perfumery and cosmetics of the XX century appeared a new trend - the fragrances with pheromones. Have become extremely widespread. What they need - perfume with pheromones? Let's see.
What is this?

Pheromones - an extensive group of chemical compounds that have the ability to influence the endocrine response of the organism. These ingredients, cause people of the opposite sex reaction, associated with reproduction. The pheromones have the ability to influence the different processes: they control the feelings, emotions and physiological state.
There are two types of pheromones: organic and synthetic. Organically produced by special glands of the human are extracted from plants. Synthetically produced in the laboratory.
Organic include:
- In the androstenone.. Basically produced for men, so to see him as a representative of the stronger sex, who are able to produce.
- The strongest female pheromones. Female pheromones to increase male libido.
- The most powerful male pheromones. Produced for men and women, contributes to the emergence of feelings of a young and strong man, the best copy for reproduction.
- In the androstadienone. Pheromone part of men, who can raise the mood and bring a smile.
- In Androsterone. Refers to the male pheromones that cause women a sense of security.
Synthetic pheromones:
- Pheromone that increases sexual attractiveness.
- A pheromone, which can increase the activities of men.
Especially in perfumes are synthetic ingredients, enhanced with the operation of the plant and animal aphrodisiacs.
What you need to know about pheromones?
Of such substances, this is known:
- 10% of men stands the pheromone Androsterone, which explains their success with women.
- The determination means the hair blocks the functioning of these substances, which are located in your hair.
- Alcohol destroys pheromones, so perfumes with aphrodisiacs on the alcohol does not exist.
- Substances can be destroyed by means of sweat and does not penetrate through the clothing.
Having an idea about the features of pheromones, it is possible to avoid situations associated with their preservation.
How to use perfume with pheromones?
A perfume with a similar scent has a lot of popularity, despite the fact that the effect of the substances is not fully understood and there is still a lot of secrets and mysteries. Scientists are still studying the effect of the perfume with pheromones.
The human body recognizes this scent authority Jacobson, which was discovered recently. Initially it was assumed that it exists only in animals. The authority, which is located in the nasopharynx and is a receptor for the smell of a certain type. The impact of pheromones is not the taste and the signal that enters the brain through a special channel.
Substances which do not themselves have a strong smell, but they definitely feel people, without any problems. The effectiveness of pheromones, which appears only in close contact.
For opinions, perfume with pheromones affect people in a special way. A specific response to these odors exist. The person who received the signal about the attractiveness of the opposite sex, is sure to show attention and subconsciously wants the contacts close.
How is it with ghosts?

The first perfume was created in the US in the 90-ies of the last century. Since the release of these funds, which are added to a number of effective chemical compounds. There are perfumes with pheromones for men and women.
Fully figure out the impact on the body of the pheromone and its composition failed, despite the development of science. The substance turned out to be so unique and complex that appeared in the original, could not one of the scientists.
For opinions, perfume with pheromones made in a special way. Currently, it is based on come from pig glands, because this animal is closest to humans in terms of anatomy. Gland of animals treated and add them to the spirits. After the initial release of these perfumes studies were performed, which were aimed at transforming women in the centerfolds.
The men began to note the changed attitude towards the girls better, and the normal contact of speech and eyes, a ardent love, which is increased. Currently produce a lot of perfume with pheromones.
If you use these types of perfume continuously, the result may be of interest is that a man or a woman, and pretty much aliens. Uses a similar perfume with caution.
Features of the perfume for girls
What qualities have women's perfume with pheromones? These perfumes contain substances that are able to attract male attention. This is the sex hormones, which subconsciously helps the person to choose their mate. Pheromones produced in the armpits and nasolabial depression. The appropriate receptors to catch that faint scent.
Research has shown that a few drops of the perfume is enough to feel the effect and it was a woman can become attractive to men.
When you use perfume to increase the girls attraction, and increases the chance to stand out from the crowd beauty. Although the perfume is not a miracle cure for all problems in the complex relationships between men and women. How is a girl to dispose of the increased attention, which is completely dependent on her.
The features perfume for men
For a strong half of mankind are also produced perfume with pheromones. The main ingredient of the perfume is Androstenedione, which is able to attract women to its possessor.
The impact of perfume with pheromones for men? In some cases, the woman is not fully aware of the reason for this attraction, although this happens almost 90% of the time. Pheromones allow you to find a woman who is physiologically suitable for this man. Thank you for the perfume, there is a real opportunity to find a soul mate. After all, that was surrounded by a lot of women, a man can feel relaxed and confident.
What kind of perfume with pheromones to choose?
As soon as it became aware of such materials, the perfume company started with the production of these products. The smell is different, therefore anyone can choose the fragrance to your preference. When buying perfume, be sure to read their ingredients on the box. The fragrance should not be alcohol, which destroys the volatile compounds and pheromones.
What is the best perfume with pheromones? Select a song that has the musk. This element is extracted from the is ready to breed the animals and has a strong effect on attracting the opposite sex.
It is known that the acquisition and distribution of large amounts of human pheromones is prohibited by law. This can lead to the emergence of human mental diseases, of a sexual nature.

Pheromones or aphrodisiacs of herbal origin, which have greater security. Such substances are added to almost all modern perfumes. You need to select the perfume, which is present in the largest amount or variety of these components. With products of plant origin, which include:
- musk;
- patchouli;
- ylang-ylang oil;
- ginger;
- cumin.
The choice of perfume must stay on the scent that will appeal to the owner of the spirits. Otherwise, the person may withdraw into himself, and his natural pheromones will not be able to stand out.
When choosing a perfume, you need to tip the seller about the origin of the ingredients of the perfume and not obtained, if it is composed of animal pheromones that can become a partner a strong impact in the form of addiction.
Perfume with pheromones unscented
Ghosts there are, the lack of taste. However, the pheromones a person feels on a molecular level, and mix them with the natural scent of her body. So brandy, can be combined with the ordinary perfume. In this case, a person will exude a special smell.
How to use perfume with pheromones?
The period of exposure to perfume short - he is only 6-8 hours. According to reviews, the footwear must be correctly used:
- This is best done on the open areas of the skin that are close to blood vessels. Optimal areas of application - the cheekbones, the wrist, the inner surface of the elbow, and lobe of the ear.
- The body must be pure.
- Before use, do not need to use lotions, creams or deodorants.
- If you only use two drops.
- To use the perfume with pheromones is necessary in rare cases.
- So as not to interfere with the detection of these substances as such, it is best to wear clothing made from natural materials, allowing the natural flavor of the body.
The use of such recommendations, the effectiveness of perfume with pheromones will increase and its owner will be issued your own unique scent.
The characteristics of the use of perfume
If you use perfume with pheromones, in accordance with the customers, you should consider a few points:
- Fragrance exerts its influence only to the opposite sex, who are in the vicinity. Because pheromones are volatile substances and is therefore disintegrate rapidly in the air.
- The person who received the signal on the convergence, because of his modesty, or insecurity, may not have tokens.
- Spirits have the ability to attract members of the opposite sex, but love a person for them.
- Such a perfume it is impossible to use thoughtlessly. Sometimes their use can lead to negative consequences if it is not drunken or disorderly people.
This perfume must be used correctly according to the previous tip.
Perfume with pheromones - myth or reality?

Having dealt with what can be called pheromones and their effects on the body, it is possible to conclude that these perfumes in their pure form do not exist. After the acquisition of such liquor is prohibited by law. You can buy the perfume with herbal aphrodisiacs and to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Band will be the man, is impossible. You can use natural ways of seduction, such as a smile and a barbecue in his eyes. Such methods are more effective and safer pheromones.