As a rule, pain in the lower part of the abdomen during sexual arousal, which is the result of increased blood flow in the genitals: the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Note! In the absence of, orgasm in the venous system of the pelvis, the following occurs: the blood stagnates, and changes in the structure of the veins of the pelvis. And as a result, they expand, lose their elasticity, the pelvis is formed by venous congestion causing chronic pain. And this is normal. Such pain will disappear when the sexual arousal will be the logical conclusion, either by self-stimulation.
Note: Masturbation is considered equivalent to sexual intercourse, and in the absence of regular sexual life helps to remove the excessive sexual arousal. Sense Masturbation is not harmful. Excessively can be psychological dependence.
Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women

If the woman in the excitation of the menu, the flashing pain in labia, which is only a few hours later after intercourse, possible reason: bartholinitis - inflammation of the large gland vestibule of the vagina.
Bartolini glands - two on the size of a pea, located on each of the lips of the vagina. These are responsible for lubrication during sexual arousal. These glands can become inflamed, which is manifested by swelling and pain in the labia and vagina. Causes of bartholinitis " to the end is not known, most likely they are various microbes: staphylococci, gonococci, etc., the operational Treatment. In the case of recurrent bartholinitis', which shows the removal of the prostate.
In some cases, the pain is due to the partial coherence of neural processes in the sexual organs (this is necessary to consult with a specialist or neurologist).
The causes of painful and discomfort during sexual intercourse are the pathology of the sexual sphere, including various diseases of the pelvic organs.
Pain in the vagina, can be caused by:
- reduce moisture
- the thinning of the lining of the
- inflammatory processes of the bladder and the urethra
- inflammatory processes in the vagina and vulva

Deep pelvic pain is diagnosed in women with:
- diseases of the cervix
- adhesions in the pelvic organs
- cysts and tumor of the ovaries
- external genital endometriosis
- apoplexy (rupture) ovarian
- uterine fibroids
- varicose veins of small pelvis
- chronic salpingoophoritis
In this case, the woman should pass survey at the gynecologist. Only through timely diagnosis and timely treatment of gynecological diseases will be able to get rid of the pain and discomfort, to regain the pleasure of sexual intimacy.