Procedure with an erotic bias impact on specific points of the body, sharpens your senses. Told massage for women for arousal, on the correct preparation for the procedure, to achieve the desired result.

The preparation of girls for erotic massage
Before you decide to promote massage for the girl, you need to properly prepare for the procedure with an erotic bias. Erotic session should be held in comfortable conditions, so it is important that the atmosphere.
Erotic massage is usually performed close to the man. Husband or partner should be carefully prepared, to the intimate procedure. In the comfortable conditions for the excitation of the preparatory massage to understand the following points:
- the room should be a comfortable temperature slightly above 23 degrees;
- if there is not a special massage table or bed, use the bed. You can place a soft blanket on the floor;
- need Terry towels;
- for the massage of the movement prepared a special oil or cream;
- for increasing the intimate effect you can light a stick of incense or use an aroma lamp;
- pick light, relaxing music;
- lighting to promote massage girl may not be bright and annoying. Only dim light will help to relieve tension and to have the beloved woman to erotic process;
- men's hands should be warm, eliminate the unpleasant feelings to the touch. Nails should be cut short and rasp, not to damage the delicate female skin. Before the massage is to be used on the hands nourishing cream.
Great importance in the exciting massage for women who have extra equipment, and a few minor tweaks that can save a girl a real pleasure.
The nuances of performance of erotic massage
For the implementation of the massage oil may be bought ready, or you can prepare yourself. Homemade massage oil is prepared as follows:
- as the basic product will suit peaches, grapes and almonds;
- base add a few drops of aromatic oil. You can use the extract, Jasmine, lavender. A wonderful option would be in addition to the composition of the sandalwood or ylang-ylang.
If you failed to prepare or to purchase oils, you can use the body cream.
To deliver to his girlfriend of more pleasurable moments between the exciting massage, the man can take advantage of the following recommendations:
- preparation of ice cubes, feathers. These simple accessories will help to make a stimulating massage more intense;
- instead of lighting, can light the candles;
- if the girl agree, then put on her blindfold. So the session will look not only erotic, but also a little mysterious;
- before performing erotic process, ask the woman to lie a little bit in the prepared bath with sea salt or a flavored foam.
Almost every massage technique is made up of certain movements, which includes stroking and vibrating manipulation. Promotion of female massage in this regard is no exception. These massage movements alternate in a certain order. The main rule during a session — no rush.
Sequence after exciting massage for women is playing an important role. For each part of the body, moving slowly, making certain movements. Massage the treated areas are covered with a towel to eliminate overcooling and discomfort.
Exciting places on the female body
You need to understand that the promotion of massage for girls does not include the treatment of intimate areas. This is the main difference between an erotic massage from intimate.
A man massages a woman who is not only back, but also parts of the body, from the front. All the massage manipulations should be executed without the use of force, the Movement should be gentle, therefore it is best to use the pads of your fingers.
On a woman's body there are points, stimulating massage, and places which are better not to touch. Areas of the body to which it is better not to touch during an erotic session
- under the armpits and the region under your knees. Spoiled the essence of the procedure, and the girl will only tickled;
- the heel and the temples bring pain;
- the kidneys will not be a cause for joy;
- the fore neck and solar plexus. Massaging these areas can lead to discomfort and suffocation.
For massage points for excitation include:
- the back and side of the neck;
- the ears;
- brushes, hands and fingers;
- back, primarily in the area between the shoulder blades, the lumbar region;
- calves;
- thighs;
- the foot and toes;
- abdomen;
- chest.
Begin stimulating body massage girl with a warm-up movement. It should be noted that the easier it will be massage is the manipulation, the more fun get favorite.
A loving man, it is not difficult to determine where the most stimulating areas on the body of the beloved. If during a warming touch she starts to tremble, covered with goose bumps and jerky breathing, this means that it is the right place for excite girl during massage found.
Interesting technique of Japanese massage
The delivery woman, so much more vivid and memorable impressions massage techniques, it is necessary to use a different touch on the most sensitive areas.
In the Japanese interesting massage, you will need to use the following manipulation, and at the same time to observe the reactions of the women:
- touch the body, only with the tip of the finger;
- you can tickle sensitive areas feathers, or gently brush;
- not in terms of the movement.
Massaging the most sensitive places, such as the buttocks, the area at the back, between the shoulder blades, shoulders, you need the following:
- when the girl undress, the man needs a gentle movement used for its body oil for massage;
- oil is rubbed into the skin with circular manipulation of the shoulder, with gentle movements along the spine and feet;
- all movements are carried out without effort, but with a gentle pressure;
- in some of the most sensitive places, which may be carried out by finger pressure;
- a back massage and buttocks, you can make movements reminiscent of painted patterns on the surface of the canvas;
- belly, breasts, legs and thighs massaged in two positions: lying on the back and the abdomen.
Important: the woman's hands belong to one of the most receptive areas on the body. Therefore, if you want to turn on a girl during a massage can strokes hands, especially in the interior.

The massage technique consists of the following phased actions:
- the attention of the women, the neck and the ears. You can start the massage with a neck and stroking parcel around women's ears. Movements are carried out with your fingers and a light touch on the palm of the hand. You can gently kiss your favorite over the ears and on the neck;
- the back surface is processed in the area of the blades with the use of light manipulation. In order to understand what a girl feel special is not hard.
- buttocks massaged slow motion. Touching the skin you need to gently, gradually move to the legs. The most vulnerable area is on the inner femoral surface;
- during the treatment the feet will need to implement a little bit of effort. Too gentle a touch may provoke laughter, or the girl will be tickled. The heel massaged slowly and with greater force;
- don't forget the face of a friend, which are also sensitive places. This lips, lobes of ears, delicate feminine chin. Try to survive the hand around the contour of the face. It is recommended that special attention should be paid to the ears;
- massaging the Breasts, you should avoid forceful manipulation. All motions should be gentle and in the area of the collection nozzle;
- belly you can massage and even tongue, lightly move the skin with your fingernail.
As for the intimate bikini area, erotic massage the sexual organs are not affected. Gentle, light manipulation, you can touch the pubic area in a bikini. Such manipulation will give you a good, stimulating effect
The positive effects of erotic massage, the later impact on the quality of the sex. After a review of all of the most active and susceptible to female arousal points on the body, thanks to the technique of stimulating massage for women, the man will give the woman more emotions from lovemaking. Girl, learn to relax completely in the erotic sessions that will also experience new feelings.
The promotion of massage techniques for back
Not everyone knows that a woman has back, is one of the most sensitive and excitable parts of the body. So, the main motion, when mixing a massage of the back, focused on this area. The most excitable and responsive to the different touch areas on the back on the female body include:
- the lumbar region;
- the so-called cat's place. This is the area of the back located between the shoulder blades.
The lumbar part of the back is close to the genitals, therefore, has high sensitivity. And the area between the shoulder blades to immediately respond even on a light, stroking touch.
That would be a real erotic release procedure, you must know how to make erotic massage of the back for girls. For the first time, you must follow some rules:
- the skin should be touched gently, without effort;
- massage movements should always be replaced. The same rule also applies to. More persistent, but gentle manipulation are alternated with the light touch of the fingers;
- the transition to the buttocks, you can do a more intense pinching and rubbing, because in these places the skin is denser.
The technique of exciting massage for women in the back is composed of the following approaches:
- after applying to the back of the oil or cream for massage, carried out by joint manipulation. Kneading, starting from the shoulders with a gradual transition to the back. The movement of go in a circle;
- you can make a mild vibration manipulation along the spine;
- the lumbar region treated lightly, then the transition to the neck, and the man returns back.
Between the erotic procedure, a man can touch a woman with your body. So, dear friend, you will get a more vivid sense of the session.
If it is correct to do massage girl for excitation, the female partner may experience different feelings:
- a girl can cry;
- to sleep. In this case, the partner does not Return;
- experience the full relaxing effect;
- pleasure can go sexual arousal;
- partner completely free of charge, from the negative energy.
When a girl is excited, massage, and comes in a small euphoric state, this means that the session is performed correctly.
The use of erotic meetings, you can solve a lot of relationship problems and achieve the following effect:
- girl leaves negative emotions, and the relationship with the beloved man will become brighter and richer;
- a woman wakes up and real sexual energy;
- man can do erotic massage as foreplay to sex.
The advantage of erotic treatment, when her husband is doing, or close to, the man, is, that during the session the pair, which is not limited to any actions. If a man owns a technique, the erotic treatment and knows how to massage a woman to excite, the partner, will be able to go for further making love.
The behavior of men during erotic massage
For massage with an erotic bias is a high-quality, man must observe the following recommendations:
- the therapist, despite the fact that it is close to man, should understand that only true affection and love to a partner will give her pleasure. It is not necessary to focus on the General massage movements. The whole thing in a light, erotic touch in the most sensitive female areas;
- not to promote massage, to linger long in any part of the body. The entire session must be a complex event, in which it is impossible to remove the hands from the body surface. Need to move seamlessly from one sensitive area of the body to another;
- it is clear that during the treatment a man can get excited. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately adjust what the massage is for fun, the girls, and not for yourself. You need to focus on the process instead of yourself.
Massage, which is carried out for the excitation of the beloved is considered the best activity to help establish a relationship and move on to something new, which involves mutual caresses.
If the man decided to make a gift for your loved ones in the erotic procedure, it is not necessary to strictly follow the recommendations. Every couple knows better how to pleasure each other. Therefore, during the massage should adhere to a phased implementation of the session. Otherwise, better to follow my feelings and the wishes of the beloved partner. The only way to understand which actions bring about more positive emotions and manipulations, to resign.
As the goal of erotic massage, this is to some extent to improve. The woman after several procedures, it becomes easier to relax during lovemaking, it takes the anxiety and stress in the emotional sense. However, the main objective of the operation, which will still be at the beginning of the girls, even though the session is dominated by the common, traditional massage.
Almost every man turns to the pursuit of the promotion of massage in the first attempt. The most important is to listen to the reaction of the beloved, and then it becomes clear how best to perform some other movement.