The theme of the female potency as bright and often rises in conversations, the same as men, but this does not mean that does not exist. We are in this article, let's talk about female power and a few methods for troubleshooting with it.

Reduce the potency of women: causes
Libido or libido, as it was called after the famous psychoanalyst The, is the desire to gain sexual pleasure with another person.
First, there is no need to jump to conclusions, blaming the lack of libido change your feelings or some level of relationship with your partner. Love is not always keeps pace with the ardent desire of the body. First try to find out if there are any other possible reasons for decrease of libido. They can be:
Hormonal disorders in the body:
- Like men, female libido, accompanied by of the hormone testosterone and female estrogen. The lack is in a woman's body can trigger low sexual activity.
- Like men, female libido, accompanied by of the hormone testosterone and female estrogen. The lack is in a woman's body can trigger low sexual activity.
- Malfunction of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the development of the necessary hormones.
Psychological problems:
- A constant feeling of fatigue;
- Depression, lack of good will;
- Chronic stress;
- Various phobias about sex and your own body;
- Self-doubt, doubt about the attractiveness of their own body;
- Bad experience, rude sex with a partner.
Causes at the level of the body physiology:
- Obesity of the body;
- Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, thrush, inflammation of the appendages);
- A side effect of the use of individual medicinal products ( drugs for the CNS and other).
If you want to find out why, you need to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Drug for strength in women
Due to the increase in demand for ed medication in women, now on the market of medical products there are a lot of different drugs. Despite the fact that most of these tools were created by experts, it is not necessary to decide which tools will work best for you. These medications are not universal for all: some can help but others hurt or have no effect.
How to increase the power with the help of drugs?
First, check with your doctor. He will tell you what is the tool that is most suitable for you. He may prescribe the existing drugs in the form of:
- pills;
- capsules;
- powder;
- straw;
- ointments and tonic.
The power of women
Despite the fact that modern medicine is very safe, still better to avoid the use of the tablets due to possible side effects. To increase the sex drive you can also use the many folk remedies, whose use would avoid going to the doctor for such an intimate question.

How to increase the effectiveness in women folk remedies?
Methods to increase libido in women can be in the form of:
- drug (using the medicinal properties of individual herbs and strawberries);
- apitherapy (the use of the healing properties of honey preparations);
- hirudotherapy (use of the healing properties of leeches).
The method of apitherapy is the use of 2-3 tablespoons of honey a day. Useful properties of the product, is can have a positive impact both emotionally and physically to the condition of the person. The reduction in the rate of the General state of the body and increase libido, which will create favorable conditions in the woman's body for high-quality sexual intercourse.
The method of hirudotherapy is a small demand, because not everyone dares to succumb to his body leeches. If we consider that the solution to something, let us not delve into the principle of this method.
The most popular method is herbal medicine. This includes the use of various herbs and supply the body with the appropriate food that increases libido.
Herbs, which increase the power of women
Useful properties of some herbal infusions and decoctions can effectively cope with the problem of weak libido. Among them is the most effective action is to draw attention to the use of these traditional methods:
- An infusion or decoction of Jakarta beach. The tool is available at most pharmacies and is characterized by the ability to repair or improve hormone levels of estrogen and testosterone, which are responsible for libido.
- Damiana leaves – an infusion of these herbs can lift your mood, improve physical activity of the body and enhance sexual desire. With Damiana leaf tea (2-3 leaves in a Cup), preparation of infusion over 10 grams of herb to a pint of boiling water. Used more than 3 times per day.
- An infusion or decoction of shatavari. This herb can rejuvenate the female sexual organs, saturated with the right nutrients, the egg and strengthen their ability to fertilize. Greater efficiency in women after 50., it is also possible when using this plant.
- Wild Yam is a source of estrogen and progesterone, which can stimulate the female libido.
- Rhodiola rosea or the Golden root. The use of herbs in alcohol, the tincture will contribute to the improvement of the General condition of the woman, will give you unique feelings about sexual intercourse and improve the activity of women in bed. This herb is not recommended for hypertensive patients.
What food to increase the effectiveness with women?
Increasing libido by way of the use of certain food differs from other affordability.
The most effective foods to improve libido:
- Med. To strengthen the effect of honey you can add the walnuts. If you consume this mixture 2-3 times daily 1 tablespoon, the result will not keep itself waiting. Also, honey, you can add prunes, raisins, figs. Store prepared formula in the refrigerator. Can eat with bread, yogurt, milk.
- Greens fresh onion, parsley, celery, cilantro in separate applications or combinations of salads can enhance sexual desire women.
- The app is available in almost every kitchen, the tomatoes and cucumbers also will amaze your partner present you with sexual lust.
- Contribute to the high quality of the sexual relationship of some seafood, various types of fish, mussels, squid, and crustaceans. These foods are rich in calcium, which may affect the desire.
- During strawberry stands out raspberries, rich in have and female sexual organs, vitamins. The effect of the use of raspberry can double combination with blueberry leaves and flowers of a chestnut in welding quality of the tea. To further boost the effect of tea of honey and bread with jam from the black currant.
- Pumpkin seeds are also good for the reproductive organs by the substances. They are a strong source of important vitamins and minerals that can improve the process of a loving relationship. To increase the impact, the seeds need to insist about 2-3 days on a wet gauze.
- Ginger is one of the best way to increase female libido. It can be used as a condiment for various dishes and as a complement to tea or baked goods.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that some of the products, on the contrary, are able to reduce your libido. For this cohort include a variety of fried and oily meals, the dishes that are difficult to digest in the stomach. Day of fasting and the use of snacks, can make your sexual relations more easy and rich.
Folk remedies, suitable for people who have problems with libido no. The use of herbs and foods that increase libido, they will contribute to improving the quality of sexual relations and, consequently, the establishment of relations between the partners.
As you can see, products to increase female libido there are so many, but choosing the most effective purely individual. Just try the different options, you can select the appropriate mode for a particular person. Just don't stop and don't give up if the first failed to resolve the problem. After all, the pleasure of physical intimacy with a loved one, nothing can replace it.