Of course, hormones play a very important role in every person's life. Their level of impact on the operation of all systems, organs and tissues. Special attention should be paid to the female sex hormones that affect the female reproductive system. It is also important to know which hormone is responsible for women for libido.

Libido is libido, passion and sexual desire. In contrast, to the male erection, occur at the physiological level, libido is formed on the psychological level. A large part of the responsibility for female libido are estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone. But a small part of the responsibility belongs also to the testosterone – the male hormone, which take place in the woman's body.
Libido and estrogens
What the hormone that is responsible for sexual desire of a woman, that is clear. Now, however, it is worth looking into the details of how this happens in the body.
Representatives of the three estrogens are the sex hormones:
- estrone;
- estriol;
- estradiol.
In the woman's body they are produced in the ovaries. The maximum liability of the bears on libido Estradiol, that is it determines the passion and desire of women. And if this hormone is well know, i.e. does not deviate from the norm, the fairer sex is in a good mood and vivacity of spirit.
The level of female hormones may not be permanent, stable, especially, when the menstrual cycle. In this period, and the libido is characterized by changeability. Peak sexual thirst is required at the time of ovulation, and then gradually subsides. It is considered normal.
The second phase of the menstrual cycle, characterized by a decline in libido. In this period, you may receive the premenstrual syndrome, namely:
- irritability and moodiness;
- depression;
- dull dragging pain in the abdomen;
- headache;
- sleep disorders.
Women who entered the menopause, arousal, and reduction of sexual desire. This is due to significant hormonal changes, the level of estrogen decreases, and thus the function of the ovaries. The Flora of the vagina also suffer changes, the mucous membrane becomes dry, resulting in sexual intercourse becomes uncomfortable and even painful. In general, the mena region has a bigger impact on the emotional state, than it seems at first glance. And all because of the close relationship of estrogen hormones mood.
Estrogens are responsible for female libido share their functions with progesterone, which not only is responsible for female sexuality, but also controls the menstrual cycle. By reducing his level of libido in women is also reduced. Horse racing progesterone depends on the menstrual cycle. At low concentrations of these hormones in the female body occur some changes.

What happens when a deviation from the norm?
Estrogens are not only responsible for sexual attraction. Growth of bones, development of sex organs and the formation of sexual characteristics also occur. Together with progesterone, are the main controllers of pregnancy. As a result, their level, women are faced with excess weight, intrauterine infections, risk of miscarriage and the risk of abnormalities in the child. With a sharp increase in the hormone levels to exclude the presence of a mass in the pituitary gland.
In the case of low concentrations of estrogens, women have to deal with the rough voices, the rapid growth of the hair, the absence of menstruation.
The high level of the hormones will manifest these signs:
- vascular mesh on the legs a bright color;
- heart failure;
- shortness of breath;
- drastic weight increase.
If the hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, the symptoms will be as follows:
- excessive appetite;
- the sharp change in shade of darker hair;
- reduced sexual desire;
- the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of the male sex.
Another important personality in the control of female libido is a hormone called testosterone. Colleagues is considered to be the male representative, however, and it is in the woman's body, it manages to affect the "lustful" desires in spite of its small concentration. However, this is no longer. Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for such functions in the female body:
- increases libido;
- maintains muscle tone and skin;
- improving the functioning of the bone marrow;
- maintenance mood;
- the development of the mammary glands;
- monitoring of body weight;
- maintains the vitality.

Any deviations from the norm become immediately noticeable. If sex hormone, excess of women experience rapid hair growth. However, a lack of testosterone can signal the onset of menopause. Sexy women slowly begins to fade, the aging process begins, which is characterized by increased dryness of the skin. And impairment of the General condition: not a weakness, apathy, irritability, deterioration in mood.
All the process of rejuvenation in a woman's body depends on the testosterone, to boost their sexuality. So, his lack of influence mainly on her appearance and Overall health. Dry skin gradually leads to the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the lack of the hormone accompanied by such manifestations:
- the decline of sexual desire;
- the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen and hands;
- pain in the joints.
The surplus, which, in turn, is fraught with consequences:
- in addition to the body weight;
- irregular menstruation;
- excessive growth of hair;
- hair loss and deterioration of their General condition, including fat content;
- irritability;
- the roughness of the voice.
In addition, the excess of the hormone can also improve sexual desire, more precisely, that would be excessive.
To stabilize the testosterone level possible without resorting to treatment with medications. For this, you are on your diet. This should include juices, vegetables, white bread, meat and honey. Under the lower levels of the hormone need to consume foods that contains large amount of iron. Also increases the testosterone level food rich in healthy fats:
- oily fish;
- vegetable oil;
- nuts.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
FSH is the main substance that affects the formation of the male and female libido. And under the influence of FSH in women is the formation of the egg, the formation of estrogens and the regulation of the gonads.
The maximum concentration of FSH tells about the onset of ovulation. The abnormal increase may be due to the following reasons:
- tumors of the pituitary gland;
- bleeding from the uterus;
- kidney pathology.
If there is excessive abuse of alcohol FSH can also reply to your career.
The lack of hormone, in turn, increases the risk of reproductive functions. We are talking about violations of the reproductive system, disorders of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, polycystic ovaries. The main symptom of a decline in hormone levels is the absence of menstruation (for three months or more) or bleeding from the uterus not related to the menstrual cycle. And can also present chronic diseases of the reproductive system and constant headaches.
Excessive levels of FSH, properties, in this case would be the violation or complete absence of menstrual periods, infections of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, and a decline in sexual desire.
It follows from the foregoing that it is for the preservation of libido and have no problems with sexual life, women need of any violations are not afraid to see a doctor and hand over analyses on hormones. More, that is all hormonal disorders can be easily eliminated, until, until more serious consequences.