When I think of the feminine soul, I do not man, not woman and not even mind, although I use them — I am consciousness. Awareness is not
Therefore, when we talk about the body, on the mind, the words "male" and "female" is very appropriate. However, there is something beyond these two concepts, is transcendental. This is the true essence of man, his essence. This company consists only of awareness, presence, observation. It is pure consciousness.
I'm not talking like a man who is in the behalf of men; in the opposite case, to talk about his wife, would not have been possible at all. I say this as awareness. Many times I stayed in the woman's body, I lived in a male body, I was witness to it all. I saw all the houses, I saw all the clothes. My words are based on experience, not only this life, but many, many previous lives. This is my life the only highlight of the long, long pilgrimage.
So, do not take my words as words of men or women, do not worry; otherwise you will not hear me. I think that me as awareness.

(Dhammapada: The Way Of The Buddha)
It seems to me that You're the only person on this planet who really understands women and accepts them as they are. Please comment.
As I already said, that a woman should be loved, not understood. This is the first.
Life is so mysterious that it is impossible to reach the height, it is impossible to look in her deep secrets. Every manifestation of life — man, woman, trees, animals or birds — is a study of a scientist, not a mystic. I'm not a scientist. Science itself is a mystery to me, and today, scientists have begun to recognize this. Today, they have abandoned their old incorrect statements, that once they learn the secrets of what you need to know.
Thanks for the albert Einstein science began to develop in a completely different way, because the deeper it is plunged into the secrets of matter, the greater the confusion came from. Should abandon logic and rationality. Life is not ok, because it is not subject to your logic. Logic is a quality that is part of being human. Albert Einstein recalled one moment in his life when he had doubts about whether to stick to rationality... But that would be silly. This behavior is typical for the man, but it would be unreasonable. Even if it is difficult to follow the logic of rationality, it becomes apparent that life will not listen to your logic, but the logic of the mind must obey the logic of life. Comes the time when you have to reject logic, rationality and just listen to nature. I call it a higher understanding, but not in the normal sense of the word. You know it, you feel it, but you don't have the words to express.
The man is a mystery, woman is a mystery, life is mystery, and all our attempts to reveal its doomed.
I remember when the toy store the man bought the gift for my son for Christmas. Because he was a famous mathematician, the shop owner gave him the puzzle. Mathematician attempt to assemble... it was a great puzzle. He would not be able to assemble a certain picture, he was sweating and started to feel uncomfortable. For your unsuccessful attempts were observed by the customers, the vendors and the shop owner, and could not collect. In the end he could not stand on my nerves, and she yelled at the store owner: "If I, the mathematician is unable to solve the puzzles, how the child will cope with this task?"
The owner replied: "you do not understand. The puzzle is designed so that no one was able to solve — neither the mathematician, nor anyone else".
"What means this riddle?" asked the mathematician.
"This is done to ensure that children already from childhood they have learned to understand that life is impossible to solve what it cannot understand," replied the shop owner.
Life to enjoy, life can be happy you can become a part of their mysteries, but to understand is that bystander, completely impossible.
I do not understand myself. For me the biggest mystery to me. But I'll give you some hints:
A psychiatrist is someone who significantly the fees required by the same questions that the wife asks free of charge.
The key to happiness: you can talk about love, tenderness, passion, but real ecstasy you will experience to discover that after all that, you still haven't lost my keys.
The woman at first repel the attacks of the men, and then cuts their way.
If you want to change the woman, agreed with her. If you want to know what women really bothers you, then look at her, but not to listen.
The woman ran to the police:
— See that man on the corner of the house, gets on my nerves.
— I watched all the time, " replied the policeman, he didn't even look in your direction.
— This is what gets on my nerves.
The romantic young man turned to the beautiful woman in his bed and asked, "am I the first?"
After thinking a moment, replied: "it may be, I have a terribly bad memory for faces."
All is wrapped in mystery: it is better to enjoy life than to try to understand. At the end is the one that is trying to understand life, is a fool, and one who enjoys life becomes wise and continue to enjoy, because he is aware of the deeper mystery of everything that surrounds us.
The biggest understanding is that nothing can be understood, that all is mysterious and wonderful