In 2001, for the first time in medicine have been described cases are constantly occurring of sexual arousal in women uncontrolled and are not related to the presence of sexual stimulation and orgasms. These women with great frequency, attacks are unwanted orgasm the muscles of the pelvis are reduced, increased sweating, heart rate, dilate blood vessels in in breathing. The female body thus preparing to orgasm, and he comes, but in a completely inappropriate moment and not in inadequate situation.

The world knows only a few dozen cases of these diseases, but experts in sexology fair to assume that actually they are a lot more: the majority of patients just do not talk about their problems. These women live constantly aroused without sexual stimulation and sexual desire, and life becomes a tragedy. Orgasm can happen during shopping, at work, at a meeting over a Cup of coffee with your friends.
Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PGAD - eng.), or as it is called - Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PSA - English). turns natural pleasure in a serious condition and gives patients a sense of guilt and despair.
This disorder is characterized by a tension in the genital area and constant sexual arousal without any actual sexual stimulation and sexual desire. This situation does not always end with an orgasm, and even if this happens, ease the patient does not occur. Described in medicine recently, this syndrome is included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but it is expected his direct involvement in the classification of mental disorders.
As gynecologists and specialists in sexology Embassy Medicine believe that this syndrome has nothing to do with nymphomania - phrasi on gender, which is characterized by the constant need to deal with them, nor with anorgasmia, or the inability to experience orgasm, nor with a multiplex automatically orgasms, or multiple orgasms - a phenomenon which is not pathological.
The main symptom of this disorder is that women are in a state of preorgasm, in arousal, while not having the slightest desire sexual relations. This condition does not bring pleasure, more like pain in the genitals, causing the unpleasant experience.
Experts in the field of medicine and sexology to know about this syndrome a little bit. The age of the patients, usually from 30 to 45 years.As possible causes for its development are considered the presence of anatomical abnormalities or tumors of the reproductive organs, the possible imbalance between stimulating and blocking neurotransmitters in the brain, neurological disease (epilepsy), disorders in the arteries and veins of the circulatory network of the genitalia and the strange reception of the popular and commonly used antidepressants of the latest generation from the group of inhibitors of reverse capture of serotonin.
Arousal usually occurs in a situation when the patient is experiencing drowsiness or fatigue, which seems strange, as usually similar condition reduce sexual desire. Unwanted orgasm can be triggered by just a small movement of the legs. Some light on the nature of the disorder casts the study of Italian scientists from the University of Bologna (Battaglia, Venturoli), who discovered one of the patients with this syndrome, which arose on the basis of the treatment with antidepressants (trazodone) permanent placement of the clitoris, similar to those experienced by men with priapism (chronic erection inadequate).

the nature of the syndrome
The lack of understanding of the nature and causes of the Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal, making it impossible to provide there patients effective help. If this disease occurs in the background of neurological or mental illness, therapeutic tactics for their treatment.
In other cases, symptomatic treatment:some people the benefits of creams with local anesthetics or with the use of ice. For some women effective antidepressants or drugs that block the receptors for dopamine or hormonal antiandrogenic drugs.
Experts in sexology and obstetrics, does not remain anything else how to act in the choice of treatment in these patients with a trial and error.
Such patients need professional psychological or psychotherapeutic help. Many patients with this syndrome have severe depression and suicide attempts.
Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal interfere with their normal life, their relationship with a spouse or partner's emotional and accompanied by the development of feelings of guilt, self-pity, loss of self-esteem, reduced mood.