Women's arousal is one of the most mysterious phenomena. A worried look languor in the whole body, shortness of breath - all these signs say that a woman is experiencing the desire. Good quality excitation guarantees for the great night, to steam, and get the greatest pleasure from intimate relationships. But unfortunately, not every man knows what excites the woman the best. Let's try to understand this topic.

What is the difference of sexual arousal of women than men desire?
The street is a spectacular girl in a short skirt and high heels that fully highlight the slim long legs. Bodycon vest hid slim waist and beautiful Breasts, and bright, but not cause the makeup creates the look of a predator. The attention of every other male will be drawn to such beauty.
However, for a woman the appearance of sexual desire more. Rarely happens that a girl looking at boyfriend Horny. In some cases, gentle hugs or kisses, is the ideal tool for the advancement of women. In other situations, girls desire for intimacy appears only after the direct fondling of the clitoris, Breasts and hips. And there are those ladies that are getting them from a conversation about sex.
All women are individual. What you like one young lady, would be absolutely unacceptable for another. Nevertheless, based on the knowledge of women's psychology and physiology, there are a few tips that will help you achieve sexualem excite the girls.
A strong man attracts women
Remember, the world of our ancestors, and it will all become clear. What man enjoyed a special popularity among women in the primitive times? The one who is the strongest: kill more than the hunt, he can fight and survive in combat, as well as the chief of the tribe. Power has always attracted the female gender.
In our time, nothing has changed. A woman wants a strong man, to be like a stone wall. If a man has an athletic and muscular body type, you should not put the cross on him. Physical data is replaced by the inner power expressed in the confidence and strength of character. The girl is nice looking in addition to self-assured man who will be my real support.

Unobtrusive compliments and sincere words of admiration will help you to win over almost any girl
Men love with their eyes and women with ears. To excite a girl enough to Express your excitement about her appearance (dress, hairstyles). Admiration must be sincere and not tense, to proceed from the heart. A woman who heard a compliment in his side, is more likely to want to continue the dialogue.
Especially the sound of good compliments on the look, the manicure, makeup and hairstyles. Most of the women carefully prepare for a date, spend hours in the bathroom or visit a beauty salon should not go unnoticed man.
Also a good tool for the promotion of women to compliment on her cute smile, easy nature, ease of communication, and other characteristics, which is typical for this girl.
Few guys know and use the fact that a woman excites the best male voice: firm and quiet, a little hoarse. I want to say a few compliments for a quiet, romantic voice directly into the ear of the girl, as you will immediately see the first signs of female arousal.
In order to achieve the trust of the lady
For men sex is a completely physiological needs. Women relate to sex differently. For them, sex is a way to Express their emotions, is to know the partner closer, to get a psychic relief. It is therefore important to ensure that she fully trusted her partner were not constrained, because otherwise can't relax and get maximum pleasure from lovemaking.
How to get the confidence of my lady? Quite simply. Easy and relaxed conversation, a few sincere compliments, a gentle touch seconds will relax the girl. Ask personal questions (but not too much), who loves to eat, some prefer music (literature or movies), what qualities are valued in men (male) and so on.
A woman should feel comfortable and similar questions and topics for discussion will help you to see in the man of similar spirit.
If something has already passed the stage of Dating and courtship, in this case, to achieve the woman's arousal will help talk about sex. The story is of a sexual nature, it is said, in a quiet velvety voice right in his ear, to give, not a long wait for the results.

Romantic candlelight dinner
It is important to create the appropriate conditions for the excitation of women. Quiet setting, candlelit dinner, romantic music in the background, will help the girl to relax and have fun together.
In order to achieve a better effect taken into account in intimate candlelit dinners to compliment the accompanying gentle touch. Almost always this ends the evening by far the intimacy partners.
Promoting touch and other actions that have girlfriends
Never be afraid to touch a Lady, even on the first date. Physical contact should be non-intrusive, smooth and short: remove lashes with eye, a gentle hug at the entrance to the cinema or a restaurant, a fleeting touch of hands, to correct effodisset hairstyles lock of hair. Some people do not take such measures seriously. And for good reason. In the end, they play a big role.
Kisses on the neck and décolleté
If the spouses on a more serious level, in this case, and action needs to be more confident and outspoken. For anybody not a secret that a lot of women love kisses on the neck and décolleté, and a passionate kiss on the lips starts as a woman and a man.
When he kisses her at the door, should start with a gentle touch of the lips near the girl's ear, slowly moving down. Responsive partnershi kisses can be more passionate and impulsive. However, don't rush, that "Hickey" on the neck of the partnershi, as such an act can constitute a negative.
After the kiss on the neck, alternating with kisses on the lips, go on to the decollete. From the left or right collarbone, slowly down. Breast caress is warm and soft hands. One of the most sensitive points of the arousal from her nipples.
Caress your chest with your hands or tongue is a very strong plant, a fair sex. Kissing on the nipples, you need to be careful, as the slightest bite of the teeth can give partnershi pain and discomfort.
Affection thighs and clitoris
Pressed to the wall, grasp the thighs, start kissing, and arm, to run in the panty girl - this approach will bring to mind women who prefer action and a strong people.
The classic petting lower part of body of girls include the stroking of the clitoris, pinching and rubbing. However, before you indulge in this lesson, you will need to make sure that it is acceptable for your partner or not. Some women who are happy, that you can caress the clitoris hand, while others are strongly against. Therefore, you should first do a little analysis of the nature of the girl, her upbringing and worldview, or to ask directly.
If to caress the clitoris are the place to be, then you need to start gently and carefully, placing his warm hand between your thighs for a few seconds, after which it is removed. Tracking the reactions of the lady, can you repeat this action, a pause in a secret place more. Sexual stimulation helps to achieve a gentle but firm circular motions a slight tingling sensation from the clitoris. It is also possible to caress the tongue and very careful of the biting of the clitoris. This should be done very carefully so as not to bring the woman discomfort or pain.

What to do if you do not succeed, but that girl?
In the modern world women are often exposed to wear and tear in the workplace, in the family or in other spheres of life. Everyday life in constant stress involve absence of sexual desire. In such cases is to try to relax your soothing massage or aromatic bath. Well help massage.
The second reason for the lack of female arousal is her menstrual cycle. The girl often felt sexual arousal during ovulation, because in this time a lot of possibility of pregnancy, and is at a high level, that her hormones. Arousal for women is much more difficult to achieve at the end of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the mood swings and pain in the abdomen.
Summary: how to excite a woman
For the excitation of the selected one need to follow a few simple tips:
- to behave confidently and assertively, but to feel the measure;
- say, that girl, sincere compliments, to have her to himself in a conversation;
- concealing touch;
- if you want to create the appropriate conditions for the excitation of women.
- with kisses and caresses the body partnershi will bring the desired results.