The human body has a high sensitivity, but it is especially noticeable in the females. So, for the girls, it is not so important in a relationship as a prelude to the sexual contact, which includes massage, touch, and caress the erogenous zones, that is, the areas that are most sensitive to touch. In contrast to the speculation that all of the erogenous zones of the girls in the genital area or breasts and to the point, there is much more, each and every woman's waist to his own. To find the most sensitive places of a man and sometimes it takes a long period of time. Therefore, it is better to know in advance where the most commonly found erogenous zones in women, you should not waste time on long searches.
The most common site of

Of course there are certain areas of the body, women most often have a high sensitivity, so it is a massage or caress, is that these places are the most exciting. How to find the area? To start with, so keep an eye on the chest, and in a particularly sensitive location in between the Breasts. Not coincidentally, many of the male subconscious, as it is the woman's body. The nerve endings of the breast, connected with the nerves in the genital area, which explains the reflex excitation arising.
The next thing to do, which is to be responsible for the arousal, the the the neck. Even if it's the fact that his partner, who was fully dressed, and the man will not resort to other caresses, neck kissing, you can lead the lady in awe, and for a closer relationship. Don't forget that it is the place to be for your ears. I am not saying that your ears are the most erogenous zone, but a lot of people don't mind that they do not massage the ear. The speed of the excitement of the massage doesn't work, but the release of a partner, the process will be contributing.
When we talk about the erogenous zones of the body, not to mention the back. Particularly, the sensitivity of the line close to the bobbin. This is because of the load of the skin due to the release of a large number of nerves in the spinal canal.
The absolute favorite of all of the erogenous zones and points, which are the genitals. What is said of the massage with the point g (t)! Some of the theories in his presence and in the absence of, as well as the sensitivity of the shall not be named! However, the truth remains: the strength of the impact is rarely part of the body of the girl, it is more sensitive than the genitals. In particular, the excitation of a partner can lead to the touching:
- Small sexual lips. Sufficiently strong excitation due to the friction of the penis on the labia.
- Clit. Therefore, it is considered that this small anatomical area in the female is analogous to the penis in men. Therefore, I can conclude that an encouraging effect on the body, you can provide the skillful caress those erogenous points.
- The Vagina, especially in the lower part of it. There are a lot of conflicting opinions with regard to the sensitivity of the area. Many researchers have related the occurrence of intense arousal with the caress of this part of the body, in the presence of the g-spot. However, reliable information about how exactly to find this site, and the affiliate, in order to respond to the anticipation of the caress of this site, no. So, if you are male and have a desire to look, and then try to perform acupressure, then you can try it, however, is that the focus of the search is worth it.
Closes the list of the most sensitive erogenous zone in the body of a woman of the inner side of the thighs. The light caress of this band can be worn age of nature due to its close proximity to the genitals. This is as a result of these sensations by stroking, and even a slight tingling sensation in this erogenous zone is always a lead up to the excitation.
Might be this is your option
This is due to the standard of the women's erogenous zones do not correspond exactly with that of your partner, in spite of all the efforts. In this case, one must look for any other erogenous area of the that it may be a surprise for the girls. A list of the several of the few erogenous zones of women, which led to the inner side of the palm of the hand.
It's no secret that the palm of the hand is richly supplied with sensitive nerve endings. Of course, in everyday life, the promotion of seat-back angle shall not give rise to the excitation, otherwise the woman would have been able to live a normal life. Meanwhile, in the suitably intimate setting of the soft massage of the internal part of the palm of the hand, the ability of the girl, and get her agreement for a more intimate touch. The same advice applies to any sensitive spots on your wrist.
The second erogenous zone in both men and women:
- The buttocks. Nature is the inherent abundance of the sensitive corners of this area. So, sometimes, in order to get back to the excitement of the girl, the man should try don't just lightly touch the heel of the point, my lady, but to nibble, with a moderate force, or even try to slap your partner.
- The inner elbow bend. This is the part of the body, not the head of the erogenous points of women, but due to the sensitive and fragile skin, richly supplied with nerve endings, is very sensitive to the touch.
- Of the stomach. A lot of people can't stand touching my own belly, but a clear answer to the question of whether it is for your girl to one of them, is impossible. Will have to try it! If you are in a positive situation, and is not a partner experiences arousal from the touch, like a caress, you may enter in the men's Arsenal of sexual skills. If the reaction of the girl, when you touch this field, it is to be negative, efforts to improve will be directed.
Many of the Eastern practices, it is recommended as an introduction to sex-to excite a women to have a foot massage.
The purpose of the

Many people consider foreplay erogenous zone or point of the girl's body, it is a useless waste of time, because of the higher sensitivity of the male with touching of genitals. In the meanwhile, in order to achieve arousal and orgasm, and a woman, that's foreplay. As a result of the haste of the men among the partners, there is a misunderstanding, and, as a result of this, the sense of conflict between each other. In order to avoid such a situation, the sexologists suggest:
- In order to avoid haste, though, and the picture introduction, it is not worth it. The gender of the areas or points of the body of the girl should pay as much attention to that, it is sufficient to properly excite the female.
- Don't be shy to ask, whether it is a girl of action. Sometimes the woman herself is ashamed to say something like that, so it is best that you are listening to the reaction of the woman, and while you will not be able to fully explore its sensitivities.
- Don't limit the good erogenous area, and to the point, just stroking. Some women like a more powerful touch, and someone who is just a kiss.
And to top it off: if you find erogenous zones, or points, on the body of a woman who does not keep her excited, maybe it would be better to look for them is the "head" of the girls. Sometimes, the lack of excitement is due to the inability to fully relax, disconnect from everyday life, a lack of confidence in her own attractiveness. If you notice any of these signs in your girlfriend, on the question of how to excite a girl, one of the answer: you can give her a sense of security and confidence in her attractiveness and of your love. The reaction will not keep itself waiting!